Monday, July 21, 2008

July Travel Highlights

Hi folks!

Long time no post. I've been all over the place this past month including New York City (for a wonderful commitment ceremony in Prospect Park plus NYC Pride!), then to Pennsylvania to visit Alison's wonderful family and check out the old homestead in Beech Creek, and most recently, Cape Cod. Here's a few photo highlights from those travels...

Okay, first picture. Here's some DTWOF trivia for you: Which character's family owns this excavating company? Give up?

Second, check out this waterfall between Brooklyn and Manhattan. This is one piece of an enormous public art project that opened on the day we arrived in the city. It's intention is to get people in the city more in touch with the fact that they're surrounded by water. Very cool.

Third picture: One of the highlights of the trip was getting an inside look at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's composting operation. They take some food scraps from the big co-op in Park Slope and combine it with a bunch of chipped brush and mulch. They have their own chipper, which is awesome. That's Caleb showing me around. I just love seeing how other people compost! And I have lots of ideas about setting up composting systems/programs like this one in case anyone out there needs a composting consultant.

And lastly, here's me and my 18 year old nephew, Taylor, last week on Cape Cod. Cool picture of him holding the camera reflected in his aviators! We camped in Provincetown for three nights and got very sun-baked and wave-pummeled, which is always the plan. It's been our annual tradition since he was 4! I'm pretty sure that's why he turned out to be so cool. But that's just me. Anyway, it turns out that it was "Bear Week" in P-town while we were there. It was a real treat to see so many big, hairy guys be so sweet, sexy, silly, and just totally having a blast.

Other than that, things are coming right along with Maven Vermont Products and the Waste Free Living website. I plan to post soon on the newest member of the Waste Free Living team, Sydnee Viray, who is completely awesome, brilliant, and of course, fabulous!

That's it for now.
More soon.
-the compost maven



Anonymous said...

Yeah, we were at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden five minutes before Hol had talked us onto the back of the groundskeeper's groovy little golf cart truck. I'm gonna try and post a link to this little movie I made of us being driven to see the compost. But I don't think Blogger will let me...what if I make my name a link to the movie?

Anonymous said...

listened to and watched a little clip about that water art in NYC a while back on the nytimes website, they focused so close and so intensely on the waterfalls that i could not get the sense of them that your photo gives, so thanks for that.... sweet to eaves drop on your compost conversation - inspiring too! mmm, the heat, the warmth of a good compost:-))